Listado de la etiqueta: ECOBULK

New partners Coventry and Warwick University hosted the month 24 meeting of the ECOBULK partners at Scarman Conference Center in Coventry, UK. The main focus was on finalising the plans and ambitions for the real-life demonstrations that are due to begin.

In this newsletter:

  1. Project Updates
  2. Coventry, Cars And Circular Economy
  3. Serious Circular Gaming
  4. Events
ECOBULK M24 Progress Bar

Project Update

The baseline value chain for each sector was established and then used analyse the implications of circularity.

The main thrust of the last few months has been the definition of the demonstrations as complete circular chains. Oakdene Hollins and TUDelft have been helping our demo partners find ways of implementing circular business and design solutions that integrate their whole value chain.

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Coventry, Cars and Circular Economy

The innovative heart of the British auto industry is still beating. ECOBULK partners recently gathered in Coventry, home of hydrogen cars pioneer MicroCab and our two new demonstration partners Warwick and Coventry University, to talk about the challenges of increasing circularity in the auto industry.

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Partners enjoyed a tour of the MicroCab facilities in Coventry.

Seriously Circular Gaming

Partner FCBA has been thinking about how to help companies become more circular. Sometimes companies will be inspired by new ideas and possibilities, other times they need to consider technical challenges, and always they will have to take into account the business models will have to be adapted to a circular value chain. At the  Ecobulk meeting in Coventry, FCBA gave the partners a chance to play test their new educational game.

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Coming Up:

  1. PLATE 2019 – TUDelft will present their design strategy framework as well as results from workshops in ECOBULK at the Product Lifetimes and the Environment conference in Berlin;
  2. AMI WTBM 2019 – Conenor will be presenting its work on re-manufacturing GFRP waste at the annual wind industry in Germany this December;
  3. ISWA World Congress 2019 – ECOBULK project presentation and promotion in October 2019 in Bilbao;
  4. POLYCHAR – partner IPCB-CNR will organise the 27th Polychar conference in October 2019 in Naples;

Past Events:

  1. EcoComp 2019 – partner Coventive co-organised the conference and presented their work on circular composite materials at the event
    TUDelft was also there to talk about design for circularity;
  2. ITMA 2019 – partner Next Technology represented their work and contributions to Ecobulk at this latest edition of the Textile & Garment Technology Exhibition in Barcelona;